Celebration of Woman power in India (Part 1) - Politics

Women has always been special for this country, Women are worshipped in Gods like Durga, Kali, Saraswati. Personalities like Rani lakshmi Bai, razia sultana had the potential to rule! Kasturba Gandhi and Indira Gandhi had the potential to lead, Vaijyantimala and Meena Kumari had the potential to act and entertain. These were only some from the past. I would like to highlight on some powerful women in past and in present, mostly through 'Celebration of Woman power in India', this would be divided into six parts - politics, sports, films, fashion and style, books, social workers! this first part is dedicated to politics! I would mostly concentrate on the present women and less from the past!

Politics is one of the fields where women got a lot of power and fame in Recent times! From past we have likes of Indira Gandhi but now in this political scenario we have several to look at! Firstly, coming to Sonia Gandhi, who is the chair-person of the ruling Central UPA Government. She works firmly. Plans were that she would be our Prime Minister(P.M.) but due to several reasons she didn't sit on the chair and we had our present P.M. However, its very well known to us that ultimately she is the queen so all look up to her!

She may not belong to any political party but this lady needs to be mentioned, because she is the first citizen of India. Our president, Pratibha Devisingh Patil is the first lady president of our country and she has kept up to it. She is active, as much discretion is given to her. She is our first queen and all the woman power thing actually started with a lady becoming our President, for the first time.

Next, not moving from Delhi, we have the chief minister (C.M.) of Delhi, Sheila Dixit. She is an efficient woman like the all others in this post. She has the experience of age which all do not have and the best part is that she lives up to her sex. She is not very rowdy or outrageous but at the same time an efficient ruler.

Now, coming to our very own Didi, Mamata Banerjee. She is the newly elected chief minister of west bengal. The very first women C.M. of this state. She is a very efficient woman otherwise it would not have been possible to uproot the 35years old communist Government. she is a lady of words and of efficiency too. although she is at times overexcited and loud but hope she controls herself with time.

From Mamata lets come to a lady who is from Mamata's biggest rival party, The Communist Party. And as we all know Brinda Karat belongs to Communist Party. She may not be the C.M of any state but still, she has a stronghold on her party. She is a Rajya Sabha member and a spokesperson of her party, which is mostly a man dominated party.

Coming back to woman C.M.s we have this iron lady down south, the C.M. of Tamil Nadu - Jayalalitha. She got re-elected recently, dethroning her rival C.M., Karunanidhi. She is also an outrageous lady always seen in a black tilak and a black saree. People down south love her and worship her. She has lots of potential too.

Uma Bharati is the ex-chief minister of Madhya Pradesh. While she was in her terms she used to be in news for her deeds. However, she was an efficient lady who used to show her rowdiness quite often, much like Mamata. Later she even left her party till returning very recently. She worked a lot for the people while she was in terms.

Sushma Swaraj is a member of the parliament and a stronghold of her party like Brinda Karat of her's. She gets into controversies for her peculiar deeds but commands respect from her party-men because of her post. Hope she gets better and understands whats good.

I kept this lady, Mayawati for the end because i really do not know what to tell about her. I cannot praise her because of her extremely inhuman and crazy acts. She is the C.M. of Uttar Pradesh but really uses her powers in a very unhealthy way or rather misuses her powers extremely. However, since she in the C.M. of a stae she commands respect from her fellowmen. Lets see if some other lady can come up to put an end to her.


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