Irom Sharmila Chanu has been largely ignored

Irom Sharmila Chanu has been fasting for 11 long years. However, unlike Anna Hazare, she has not been told to end her fast by millions of people. Her cause also remains almost unknown outside her state. She is seeking the removal of the Armed Forces Special Powers Act (AFSPA) from north-east. Known as the 'Iron Lady of Manipur', she started her fast in 2000 after witnessing the massacre of 10 innocent people by Assam Rifles jawan at the bus stop. And there was no reason to kill them except some odd doubt that they are terrorists. In a country like India where terrorists like Kasab cannot be hanged even after the order has been given, when the Government spends millions in the well being of terrorists in the jail and in a country which houses the most dangerous terrorists in the name of ministers how dare so many people are killed on just doubt?

She is a greater fighter than Anna but the Government seems to be just as silent as ever. Dr. Manmohan Singh  had promised to look at AFSPA but he did not. Irom is not at all happy with the leadership of Dr. Singh. Irom is being forced fed through nose because she does not want to take even a morsel through her mouth. The people of the North-east suffers from Government bullying, which is a far more major cause than corruption. The people only rise at times and walk in rallies, they found Anna cap very fashionable and walked the roads wearing them but never even thought of such a big cause that irom is fighting for. We are there for Irom, make her voice heard to our bhagyavidhatas in the Parliament. Do support for this lady and just pray for her well being. Rise India, rise once again!


  1. Sometimes.....i feel ashamed to be living in this society!!!! :(

  2. gud post.....but until people of India supports her just like Anna,her fast is going in vain!

  3. I agree with you debtanu! And this is how we are supporting her, nothing goes in vain. So Tanujit let us hope for the best!


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