Dedicating the first anniversary post of this blog to a good cause!

Today i completed one year of this blog and in this one year we have talked about various issues and i have always tried to get my views to the audience and i am also eager to get the response from you all out there. However, its really tough to bring a real 'change' in the society. One of the most shameful acts of the society still now is the killing of the girl child.

Its actually very shameful to even write about this issue because we are the idiots who proclaim that we are developing. When on one hand women are compared to shakti (power) and they are proving their worth, on the other hand girl child is still undesirable to many parents.

I really do not get any logic behind this desire for a boy and i am very that the parents who find girls undesirable also do not have any reason behind it. The day before yesterday i came across two news which told the ill fate of two newborn girl child who were miserably tortured and killed by their father. I get goosebumps even in the thought of a father killing his own child, is it possible unless and until the father is mentally dis balanced?

We have come a long way, as we always say but we are still those horrible human being with all those superstition always following us as a shadow and we happily give way to it. What wrong has a girl done to the society that she has to bear so much of hardships? A boy and a girl both are both from the womb of a woman then why discriminate?

Actually the killing of girl child has a deep root which has not been destroyed till date even after so many so called laws been imposed. And the problem is dowry. Rape and molestation may also be considered but here the more serious issue is dowry because as soon a a girl child is born to poor parents they think of the expenses they will have to bear during their marriage and if a boy is born then he will get money during marriage so child birth can also be seen as a business in the long term. Nut why do the rich people also find girl child undesirable. God Knows!

We need to speak out, especially the girls need to be stronger and take their rights by any means because no man will give way unless you make your own way.


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