The age of Seventeen

Its a tribute to a very special age, an age when we seem adult but we are not. We are always in a dilemma and in a hurry to grow up. Some of the things are common in many age groups but i find seventeen particularly very interesting so i chose it to write down a poem. I wrote it when i was seventeen so i have used 'we' time and again.

An age to be cherished,
an age to be nourished.
Those who waste it
surely gets punished.

Full of energy,
full of joy.
We are always too active
and most of the time-
upto some mischief.

An age when we-
can never be a sage.
Within an year we-
will be out of our cage.

Life is a stage.
And we give our best,
at this age.

We are neither adult nor child.
But thats something we don't mind.
We think that-
We are the ultimate being
and we know everything.

We question as such
we know too much.
A phase of life,
where we taste every spice.
From love to hate.
From good to bad.
Some make us happy,
some sad.
Some even make us mad!

Rani and Aamir drive us crazy,
Mention of studies make us lazy!
Orkut-Facebook makes our day,
Chattering whole day keeps us gay.

We laugh
We cry
We love
We fight
with all our might.


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