Everyone wants to take advantage

What happened at Uttarakhand and Himachal Pradesh is very painful and miserable . Maybe somewhere we are to be blamed down the years but i am writing this post not to discuss those issues of nature . But , this is about us , how we people are taking advantage of the whole situation at times.

According to the newspapers and television channels , what is going on besides the rescue camps is just inhumanity.

Shopkeepers are selling a packet of chips worth Rs. 10 for as much as Rs. 100 , a 'mere' roti costs anything from Rs. 100 to 150 . Yes its time to get shocked , its time to realise that we may shout out slogans but when it comes to be that 'good person' , that 'human being' we always think of , we are not ready to be so. These situations come as tests and each time we fail. If we take advantage of someone's ill fate , trauma , sorrow and ill heath then what examples are we setting ? Where is our humanity ?

Then we come to people who have set out to loot ,  yes they are stealing things and torturing people to give away their belonging even in this situation . In a situation when nature has already taken away so much , when people are struggling to stay alive with whatever they have till they are rescued , is it humanity to loot them ? We cannot expect 'brotherhood' even at this point of time ?

And then coming to our dear ministers and political leaders . They are never ready to let go off any chances of publicity and why should this incident be spared either ? They are speaking fowl about each others and with great 'pomp and show' sending relief as if it looks like they are letting lose their Ashwamedh Yajna horse , such is the stage setup . Are they so shameless?

Many NGOs are working , our army men are working to make the situation better and rescue the trapped people , they do not need and stage , show and camera to show that they are working . Why these politicians and filmstars always need camera to do anything 'good' ?

Why is this ? Anyone has any answer ? Nature is taking toll on us and at this moment is it very necessary that we also take toll on each other and worsen the situation ?


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