This new year let us try and be human beings
The title may seem funny or whatever but it is really relevant in today's society. It is a new year again and that means its resolution time. I know there are hell lot of resolutions we make and this year too we have long lists but we can all add up this small thing... 'We will be humans'. The society is turning into a monster day by day. And what makes a society are the people of the society i.e we. From this day we can try to do some good on our part so that the evil does not get space to survive. If we do not stop this... we monsters will end up killing ourselves. Everything will be shattered. We need to spread love and peace and protest against wrongs. Its high time that we (men and women) start respecting women truly for what they are. Especially women should start respecting one another because unless they understand and stand for one another, no one can help them. All men should start understanding that real men do not need to prove their manline...