This new year let us try and be human beings

The title may seem funny or whatever but it is really relevant in today's society. It is a new year again and that means its resolution time. I know there are hell lot of resolutions we make and this year too we have long lists but we can all add up this small thing... 'We will be humans'.

The society is turning into a monster day by day. And what makes a society are the people of the society i.e we. From this day we can try to do some good on our part so that the evil does not get space to survive. If we do not stop this... we monsters will end up killing ourselves. Everything will be shattered. 

We need to spread love and peace and protest against wrongs. Its high time that we (men and women) start respecting women truly for what they are. Especially women should start respecting one another because unless they understand and stand for one another, no one can help them. All men should start understanding that real men do not need to prove their manliness by inserting their poles into just any hole. And then giving reasons of getting provoked by clothes, faces, shoes, makeups and what not comes in but commonly it is known as rape which real men do not do. Real men have great minds, great thoughts and plenty of other options to prove their real manliness. Love knows no gender and we all know that by now but still somewhere some people still tend to think that homosexuality is unnatural and bisexuals are confused and transgenders do not not categorize in human beings, lets stop being hypocrites so that we live happily and let others live too.

Why do we need to bully the person who sits alone or stays quiet. That person may have some crisis or it may just be his/her nature which we should understand and try to respect. Ragging in the name of grooming or interaction or unnecessarily harassing people can be stopped very easily if we start being human from shithead monsters. What do we gain from someone else's tears? The happiness which some people get seeing other's pain is monstrous, it has no quality of a human being because no human in senses can do this. If we try to understand people and different people having different nature then we will know that same things can have different appeal or mean for different people just like there maybe people who will not hesitate stripping naked in-front of a room full of people but for someone else it may be very embarrassing to even sing or dance infront of a few people so we should be a little more human to understand people because human beings are gifted to think and understand.

Even animals come to help when they see their mates in distress but nowadays human beings go for candle marches after a rape or murder but never comes forward when they see someone crying out for help. Care about the people and society, this country is ours and it is what we make out of it. It is very important to think and be sensible because that is what makes human beings, stop being insensitive and start reacting for the good.

So, with a smile let us pledge to spread the sense of humanity and be happy.


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