There has to be better ways to protest

Image result for sign of doctors in india
I came across news of people dying without treatment at different Government hospitals across West Bengal ever since the doctors have decided to go on a strike across Government hospitals in the state which also includes new born babies. And going by this it is extremely disheartening and it has shaken me from within. I somewhere felt that are we not going extremely wrong somewhere? Who are we actually meting out our grievances on?

I would just like to ask everyone out there, will you be very happy and satisfied if you are punished for someone else’s mistake? I am sure most of you will not be, if not everyone. But, now the same thing is happening to poor helpless patients across the state of Bangla. And yes I mentioned poor because the Government hospitals in India mainly caters to the poor. The rich do not need to worry much; no strikes can hurt them. After all, lives matter only when you have the money to make it matter. Now, of course the counter statement will be that is it justified to beat up innocent doctors if they are not at fault? Of course not. We cannot imagine a society without few people like doctors and police and yes it is not possible to run a world without them. But, does that mean that anyone should take advantage of the situation by making common men the scapegoat? No it is never justified.

I am not against any protest whatsoever till the time it is asking for something legitimate and in this case too the demands are very legitimate and for sure they should be pondered upon and see that if they are practical then what can be done about them but the way of protest is going Hayward. It might sound very rude but when a person gets into profession as noble and as grave as a doctor, the service cannot stop and should not stop. If you by any chance have anything else in mind while becoming a doctor, please for God’s sake do not get into this profession. There are many other moneymaking professions for you to opt for.

Today these repeated incidents of violence are mostly seen in public hospitals, why is that? Because a person sees the stark difference between the treatment at a Government and a private hospital in most cases. But I also need to mention that I know of situations when Government hospitals have done miracle. Whatever it maybe we know that the public remembers the bad and forgets the good so whenever these situations come up they get agitated and take their frustration out on the doctors. The doctors face the wrath of the grievances.

Image result for west bengal police logoWhat can be the solution for this? For sure going on a strike killing poor innocent people cannot be one. Then what? The only solution for this is a proper detailed study of the situation and the situation needs to be studied from the patient’s point of view and the doctor’s point of view. The Government has to take the pain of coming out with points from both the sides where they can reach to a situation where it is known to them that what exactly is going wrong on both sides and why is it that these situations are arising time and again where people are dying or doctors are getting beaten up. Till then the protest should continue but not by calling off all services.

And at the end of all these, I have a humble request to all the doctors. The people look upto you as life savers and yes I still say it because besides very few situations like these happen where people come out with swords and sticks to beat up doctors, the bigger picture is very different. The wrath of the public will be there and it is there for everyone, almost all public servants but please remember the love and respect and try to compensate the wrath with the same if you can. Like I told and I will repeat, the society cannot run without doctors, police or teachers and since you chose to be in this grave duty of service to mankind, once all these strikes are over and all the demands are meted out please be a bit more generous, a bit more loving, a bit more caring because there is always room for more. I am sure justice will prevail and not only for doctors but for all those people who toil day and night so that we can lead a happy and peaceful life.


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